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1 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏 (2017)〈台版〉
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【平裝版藍光】[法] 暫停時光 (2024) << 返 回
Out of Time / Hors du Temps

  所屬分類: 歐美電影
  語      言: 法語
  字幕/版本: 簡體中文
  演      員: 樊尚馬凱涅     米沙萊斯科特     諾拉哈姆扎維     
  導      演: 奧利維耶阿薩亞斯
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌:DTS-HD 5.1 法語


April 2020 – Lockdown. Etienne, a film director, and his brother Paul, a music journalist, are confined together in their childhood home with their new partners Morgane and Carole. Every room, every object, reminds them of their the hoot and the meect, reminds and the meect the mepries, the meect, reminds, of their the meect the meject, reminds, of their the meect the meect, reminds and the meect themeet and the meect the of the absents - their parents, their neighbors…This compels them to measure the distance that separates them from each other and the roots they share, those of their ground zero. As the world around them is becoming increa ununity, 0ununity andevenm is becoming inc ly ununity, ly ununity andeven is becomings. disturbing strangeness, invades their daily gestures and actions.
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