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【平裝版藍光】普契尼:杜蘭朵公主 歌劇 (2018) << 返 回
Puccini: Turandot

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Rebeka Lokar     Jorge de Leon     Erika Grimaldi     In-Sung Sim     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌:DTS-HD Master 5.1 義


Puccini: Turandot
Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro Regio Torino
Gianandrea Noseda

Rebeka Lokar (Turandot), Jorge de Leon (Calaf), Erika Grimaldi (Liu), In-Sung Sim (Timur), Antonello Ceron (Emperor Altoum), Marco Filippo Romano (Ping), Luca Casalin (Pang), Mikeldi Atxalandabaso (Pong), Roberto Abbondanza (A Mandarin) & Joshua Sanders (The Prince of Persia)

Rebeka Lokar is a 'commanding Turandot' (Bachtrack) and Jorge de as the Princess' suitor a 'true giant' (Corriere della Sera) with his perfect rendition of 'Nessun dorma'. Grammy Award nominee Gianandrea Noseda impressively conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro Regio 'as modern as you have rarely experienced it. Chapeau!' (Operalounge). Stage director Stefano Poda dedicates himself to bring Puccini's Ancient Chinese setting to life. To achieve an aesthetic and conceptual unity, his work also encompasses set and costume design as well as lighting and choreography. 'Extraordinary Turandot' (La Repubblica); 'The icy Turandot inflames the Teatro Regio!' (Corriere della Sera).

Recording date: Teatro Regio di Torino, January, 2018

Sound format: PCM Stereo, DTS-HD MA 5.1

Picture: 16:9, HD

Subtitles: Italian (original language), Italian, English, German, French, Korean, Japanese,Chinese(後加)

Total running time: 115 mins

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