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【平裝版藍光】柴可夫斯基 : 天鵝湖 舞劇(2014) << 返 回
A Swan Lake

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 德語
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  演      員: Jan Gunnar R?ise     Fridtjov S?heim     
  導      演: Jeff Tudor
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

EKMAN, ALEXANDER A Swan Lake. The Norwegian National Ballet, The Norwegian National Opera Orchestra / Per Kristian Skalstad.

Alexander Ekman


A Swan Lake

World Premiere Recording from Oslo Opera House, 2014

Choreography and Scenography Alexander Ekman
Music Mikael Karlsson
Costumes Henrik Vibskov

The Norwegian National Ballet
The Norwegian National Opera Orchestra / Per Kristian Skalstad

“I wanted to do something big and wild and different. Something with water!” said choreographer Alexander Ekman and filled the Main Stage at the Oslo Opera House with masses of water. In A Swan Lake, his new full-length work created for the Norwegian National Ballet, the dancers are joined on stage by actors, a soprano, musicians and 1,000 rubber ducks.

Alexander Ekman is an internationally acclaimed choreographer, recognised and sought after for his unique ability to pair wit and playfulness. With a score by Swedish composer Mikael Karlsson and costumes by Danish fashion designer Henrik Vibskov, A Swan Lake takes a fresh look at Tchaikovsky's ballet of all ballets.

“A spectacular show that transcends boundaries.” (Aftenposten)
“…it is easy to be both amused and seduced by this mischievous swan dive.” (Dagbladet)

Sound Formats: PCM Stereo, dts-HD Master Audio 5.1
Picture Format: 16:9
Blu-ray Disc: 25 GB (Single Layer)
Resolution: 1080i High Defi nition
Audio Language: GB
Running Time: 98 mins + 7 mins (bonus clips )
FSK: 0

Region Code: 0
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