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【平裝版藍光】普契尼:曼儂·蕾絲考 / 考夫曼 << 返 回
Puccini: Manon Lescaut / Jonas Kaufmann

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Jonas Kaufmann     Kristine Opolais     
  導      演: Jonathan Kent
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
考夫曼Jonas Kaufmann (男高音)
歐波萊絲 Kristine Opolais (女高音)
帕帕諾Antonio Pappano (指揮) 皇家歌劇院管弦樂團與合唱團The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House & The Royal Opera Chorus


《曼儂?蕾絲考》是普契尼的第三部歌劇,於1893年公演,十分成央A當時普契尼三十五歲。劇本取材自法國劇作家普弗(Antoine??Fran?ois Pr?vost)的小說《騎士德格魯與曼儂?蕾絲考的故事》(L’histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut)。故事描述了十八世紀貴族青年德格魯邂逅原本奉父命前往修道院當修女的曼儂並相約私奔。然而過不慣清苦生活的曼儂,遂投靠銀行家葛容老先生。成為情婦的曼儂仍無法忘情德格魯,因此激怒了葛容,命她離去。離去前,貪戀錢財的曼儂在收拾寶物時,官兵以侵佔兼竊盜葛容財物將她逮捕。曼儂?雷斯考被判刑流放美洲,格裡奧追隨前往。最後,曼儂死於路易斯安那州的沙漠。

最早將這個故事譜成歌劇的是馬斯奈(Jules Massenet)。之後還有奧伯(Daniel-Fran?ois-Esprit Auber),以及普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)。普契尼的《曼儂?蕾絲考》於1893年2月1日在義大利杜林(Turin)的皇家劇院(Teatro Regio)首演。之後又於1894年2月7日在米蘭的史卡拉劇院(Teatro alla Scala)演出。

本專輯由肯特(Jonathan Kent)製作,並於2014年6-7月英國皇家歌劇院的夏日樂季中演出,參與演出的巨星包括飾演德格魯(Chevalier des Grieux )的男高音考夫曼(Jonas Kaufmann )與飾演曼儂?蕾絲考的女高音歐波萊絲(Kristine Opolais)。肯特將原本劇中的十九世紀古典佈置專換成為現代的戲劇性場景。並由皇家歌劇院管弦樂團與合唱團的音樂總監帕帕諾(Antonio Pappano )擔任指揮。




Puccini: Manon Lescaut
1.Opening credits
Act I
2. Ave, sera gentile
3. Ecco Des Grieux!
4. Tra voi, belle, brune e bionde
5. Discendono, vediam!
6. Cortese damigella
7. Donna non vidi mai
8. La tua ventura ci rassicura
9. Vecchietto amabile, incipriato Pluton sei tu!
10. Vedete? Io son fedele
11. Di sedur la sorellina ? il momento
Act II
12. Dispettosetto questo riccio!
13. Sei splendida e lucente!
14. In quelle trine morbid
15. Poich? tu vuoi saper
16. Che ceffi son costor? ... Sulla vetta tu del monte (Madrigal)
17. Paga costor!
18. Vi prego, signorina (Minuet)
19. L’ora, o Tirsi, ? vaga e bella
20. Oh, sar? la pi? bella! ... Tu, tu, amore? Tu?
21. Aff?, madamigella
22. Senti, di qui partiamo
23. Lescaut! - Tu qui?
24. Intermezzo
25. Ansia eterna, crudel
26. E Kate rispose al re
27. All’armi! All’armi!
28. Rosetta! - Eh, che aria!
29. Presto! In fila!
Act IV
30. Tutta su me ti posa
31. Vedi, son io che piango
32. Sola, perduta, abbandonata
33. Fra le tue braccia, amore
34. Curtain calls and closing credits
35. Extra Feature: Who is Manon Lescaut?

Puccini: Manon Lescaut
Jonas Kaufmann (Des Grieux), Kristine Opolais (Manon Lescaut), Christopher Maltman (Lescaut), Maurizio Muraro (Gerontes) & Benjamin Hulett (Edmondo)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House & Royal Opera House Chorus, Antonio Pappano (conductor) & Jonathan Kent (director)
London’s Royal Opera House presented Jonathan Kent’s new production of Manon Lescaut in June 2014. Jonathan Kent did a modern update to the 19th century classic.

'From the moment Kaufmann and Opolais embark – with infinite delicacy - on their emotional journey, it becomes clear that this is a vocal marriage made in heaven. His warmly burnished sound is balanced by the exquisitely-nuanced purity of hers, and they are supported by a performance in the pit, under Antonio Pappano, of rare refinement.' THE INDEPENDENT

'Exhibiting qualities from each of the Three Tenors — Pavarotti's gleaming tone, Carreras's good looks, Domingo's dramatic presence — Jonas Kaufmann is justifiably lauded as the outstanding tenor of our day. In Jonathan Kent's new production of Puccini's Manon Lescaut he delivers a thrilling performance that satisfies both musically and theatrically.' LONDON EVENING STANDARD

'Antonio Pappano has few peers today as a Puccini conductor, and gives the score a tremendous sense of vivid theatricality' THE GUARDIAN
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