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【平裝版藍光】電光交響樂樂團 溫布利演唱會 << 返 回
Electric Light Orchestra Out of the Blue-Live at WEMBLEY

  所屬分類: 流行樂
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  演      員: 電光交響樂樂團     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌:DTS-HD Master 5.1 PCM 2.0


01 Standin’ In The Rain*from album “Out of the Blue”
02 Night in the City*from album “Out of the Blue”
03 Turn To Stone (Jet 1099)(a-side)(BB 13/1977; CB 11/1977; RW 9/1977; UK 18/1977)*from album “Out of the Blue”
04 Tightrope*from album “A New World Record”
05 Telephone Line (Jet 1000)(a-side)(BB 7/1977; CB 4/1977; RW 7/1977; UK 8/1977)*from album “A New World Record”
06 Rockaria! (Jet UP 36209)(a-side)(UK 9/1977)*from album “A New World Record”
07 Wild West Hero (Jet JET 109)(a-side)(UK 6/1978)*from album “Out of the Blue”
08 Showdown (United Artists 337)(a-side)(BB 53/1973; CB 51/1973; RW 57/1973; UK 12/1973); (Jet 842)(a-side)(BB 59/1976; CB 75/1976; RW 80/1976)*charted twice! From album “Ole ELO”
09 Sweet Talkin’ Woman (Jet 1145)(a-side)(BB 17/1978; CB 18/1978; RW 23/1978; UK 6/1978)*from album “Out of the Blue”
10 Mr. Blue Sky (Jet 5050)(a-side)(BB 35/1978; CB 27/1978; RW 33/1978; UK 6/1978)*from album “Out of the Blue”
11 Do Ya (Jet 939)(a-side)(BB 24/1977; CB 16/1977; RW 25/1977)*original version by the Move (United Artists 50928)(a-side)(BB 93/1972; CB 97/1972; RW 88/1972)*from album “A New World Record”
12 Livin’ Thing (Jet 888)(a-side)(BB 13/1976; AC 36/1976; CB 10/1976; RW 10/1976; UK 4/1976)*from album “A New World Record”
13 Roll Over Beethoven (United Artists 173)(a-side)(BB 42/1973; CB 48/1973; RW 31/1973; UK 6/1973)*from album “ELO 2”

01 King of the Universe*from album “On The Third Day”
02 Ma-Ma-Ma Belle (United Artists 405)(UK b-side)(UK 22/1974)*double sided hit; a-side: Daybreaker; from album “On The Third Day”
03 In The Hall of the Mountain King*from album “On the Third Day”
04 Great Balls of Fire*from album “Electric Light Orchestra”

05 Daybreaker (United Artists 405)(a-side)(BB 87/1974; CB 61/1974; RW 85/1974)
06 Showdown (Jet 842)(a-side)(BB 59/1976; CB 75/1976; RW 80/1976)*charted twice! From album “Ole ELO”
07 Day Tripper*from the rare album “The Night The Light Went On (In Long Beach)”
08 Orange Blossom Special*from the rare album “The Night The Light Went On (In Long Beach)”
09 Ma-Ma-Ma Belle*see above
10 In The Hall of the Mountain King*see above
11 Great Balls of Fire*see above
12 Roll Over Beethoven (United Artists 173)(a-side)(BB 42/1973; CB 48/1973; RW 31/1973; UK 6/1973)*from album “ELO 2”
FUSION (1976)
13 Poker (Jet UP 36209)(UK b-side, 1977)*a-side: Rockaria! From album “Face the Music”
14 Nightrider (Jet 769)(uncharted a-side, 1976)*from album “Face the Music!
15 Showdown*see above
16 Eldorado Overture (United Artists 634)(US b-side, 1975)*from album “Eldorado”
17 Can’t Get It Out of My Head (United Artists 573)(a-side)(BB 9/1974; CB 14/1974; RW 23/1974)*from album “Eldorado”
18 Poor Boy (The Greenwood)(Jet 1000)(US b-side, 1977)*from album “Eldorado”
19 Illusions In G Major (United Artists 573)(US b-side, 1974)*from album “Eldorado”
20 Strange Magic (Jet 770)(a-side)(BB 14/1976; AC 24/1976; CB 14/1976; RW 20/1976; UK 38/1976)*from album “Face the Music”
21 10538 Overture (United Artists 50914)(a-side)(UK 9/1972)*from album “Electric Light Orchestra”
22 Do Ya*see above
23 Evil Woman (Jet 729)(a-side)(BB 10/1975; CB 9/1975; RW 9/1975; UK 10/1976)*from album “Face the Music”
24 Ma-Ma-Ma Belle*see above
25 Roll Over Beethoven*see above

26 Shine A Little Love (Jet 5057)(a-side)(BB 8/1979; AC 40/1979; CB 7/1979; RW 8/1979; UK 6/1979)*from album “Discovery”
27 Confusion (Jet 5064)(a-side)(BB 37/1979; AC 41/1979; CB 47/1979; RW 44/1979; UK 8/1979)*from album “Discovery”
28 Need Her Love*from album “Discovery”
29 Diary Of Horace Wimp (Jet 150)(a-side)(UK 8/1979)*from album “Discovery”
30 Last Train To London (Jet 5067)(a-side)(BB 39/1979; CB 36/1979; RW 51/1979; UK 8/1979)*from album “Discovery”
31 Midnight Blue*from album “Discovery”
32 Wishing*from album “Discovery”
33 Don’t Bring Me Down (Jet 5060)(a-side)(BB 4/1979; CB 4/1979; RW 3(3)/1979; UK 3/1979)*from album “Discovery
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