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Supernatural S09

  所屬分類: 美國影集
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: 賈德·帕達裡克     詹森·阿克斯     米沙·克林斯     馬克·謝潑德     
  導      演: Robert Singer
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
1. I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here
Sam (JARED PADALECKI) fights Death in the season premiere, while Dean (JENSEN ACKLES) sends out a call for help to the angels - and gets a lethal response from the fallen legion.

2. Devil May Care
Sam and Dean kidnap Crowley (MARK A. SHEPPARD) much to the dismay of Kevin Tran (OSRIC CHAU). But Abaddon (ALAINA HUFFMAN) is out for Crowley's blood as well.

3. I'm No Angel
After Ezekiel tells Dean a group of angels is hunting Castiel, he and Sam race to find their friend before the vengeful angels do. Meanwhile, a homeless Castiel is trying to make his way through the city and comes across some unexpected surprises.

4. Slumber Party
Recurring guest star FELICIA DAY returns as hacker/hunter Charlie Bradbury to help Sam and Dean with an ancient computer...and Dorothy from Oz.

5. Dog Dean Afternoon
Investigating bizarre murders, Sam and Dean look up a spell that allows Dean to "communicate" with the only eyewitness to the gruesome deaths - a German Shepherd.

6. Heaven Can't Wait
Living life as a human, Castiel (series star MISHA COLLINS) asks Dean to help with a local case. Meanwhile, Sam and Kevin work with Crowley to decipher the tablet.

7. Bad Boys
Dean gets a call from an old friend who runs a home for delinquent boys, where Dean was sent when he was younger. Together with Sam, they try to stop a ghost.

8. Rock and a Hard Place
Sheriff Mills (KIM RHODES) calls Sam and Dean for help investigating multiple murders tied to a church chastity group. When Sam and Dean infiltrate the group, Dean disappears.

9. Holy Terror
After a massive angel slaughter occurs, Sam and Dean run into Castiel. When Castiel is captured and tortured, Dean wonders if it might be time to tell Sam the truth about Ezekiel.

10. Road Trip
While trying to free Sam, Castiel suggests they try to separate Sam's brain from the angel's but the only person who knows how to do that is Crowley.

11. First Born
Looking to return as King of Hell, Crowley asks Dean for help finding "The First Blade," the only blade that can kill Abbadon - currently owned by Cain (TIM OMUNDSON).

12. Sharp Teeth
After learning that Garth (DJ QUALLS) is in the hospital, Sam and Dean check on him, but Garth hightails it away. Following him, Sam and Dean are stunned by what they find.
Disc Size: 22,606,740,905 bytes
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main Profile 4.0
Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
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