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The Big City

  所屬分類: 其他國家電影
  語      言: 孟加拉語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: Anil Chatterjee     Madhabi Mukherjee     Jaya Bhaduri     
  導      演: 薩蒂亞吉特·雷伊
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Middle-class clerk Subrata Majumdar (Anil Chatterjee) pursuades his wife Arati (Madhabi Mukherjee) to take a job as a saleswoman as he with his meagre salary is unable to care for his large joint family consisting of his parents, unmarried sister Bani (Jaya Bhaduri) and son Pintu (Prasenjit Sarkar). The family is horrified at the thought of a working woman in their midst. For Arati, going door-to-door selling sewing machines opens up a whole new world which includes an Anglo-Indian friend, Edith (Vicky Redwood) and her employer Mukherjee (Haradhan Banerjee). She proves to be quite successful in her work and gains self-confidence as she earns her own money. Earning money also changes Arati's status within the family, causing further problems, more so when Subrata loses his job. He suffers as he watches his wife go out while he sits in bed and scans newspapers for job opportunities. They begin to grow apart. When Edith is unjustly sacked for racial reasons, Arati resigns in protest...
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