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1 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏 (2017)〈台版〉
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【平裝50G藍光】[英] 非凡人物合唱團 - Oceania - 3D in NYC 演唱會 <2D + 快門3D> << 返 回
The Smashing Pumpkins - Oceania - 3D in NYC

  所屬分類: 藍光 演唱會
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  演      員: 非凡人物合唱團     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 50G藍光
臺版 PS3 通過 (撥放快門3D韌體需更新至3.5以上)
Sony S470 通過
Pioneer BDP-430 通過
GIEC BDP-G3603 通過

THE SMASHING PUMPKINS have created one of the most acclaimed bodies of work in musical history having sold more than 30 million albums, and
won multiple Grammy Awards in the process. Formed in Chicago in 1988, they released Gish, their influential and platinum debut in 1991, which was
followed by albums including the nine-time platinum Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness and the four-time platinum Siamese Dream, as well as the
platinum certified 1998 album Adore. The pivotal group's many hits defined the alternative music era and continue to resonate on modern rock radio,
influencing a whole new generation. The PUMPKINS returned in 2007 with their acclaimed sixth album Zeitgeist. They have since remained on the cutting
edge of music and technology with various online releases. In June 2012, the band released their acclaimed album Oceania, via Martha's Music/EMI
Label Services/Caroline Distribution. Marking THE SMASHING PUMPKINS' 7th studio record, it is 'an album within an album,' part of their 44-song workin-
progress Teargarden By Kaleidyscope. Oceania entered the Billboard Top 200 Albums Chart at #4 and earned the #1 spot on the Independent Albums

At Barclays Center, the Pumpkins' singer/guitarist Billy Corgan, guitarist Jeff Schroeder, drummer Mike Byrne and bassist Nicole Fiorentino performed their acclaimed OCEANIA CD in full, followed by classics and deep cuts from their body of work for the second half of the show. The Pumpkins were backed by visuals prepared by Evans, whose most recent project was assisting Roger Waters on the newest staging of 'The Wall.' The OCEANIA: LIVE IN NYC package is directed by Milton Lage and was produced by Rock Fuel's Barry Summers. This Blu-ray edition can be viewed in either 3D or 2D.


1. Quasar
2. Panopticon
3. The Celestials
4. Violet Rays
5. My Love Is Winter
6. One Diamond, One Heart
7. Pinwheels
8. Oceania
9. Pale Horse
10. The Chimera
11. Glissandra
12. Inkless
13. Wildflower
14. Space Oddity
15. X.Y.U
16. Disarm
17. Tonite Reprise
18. Tonight, Tonight
19. Bullet with Butterfly Wings
20. The Dream Machine
21. Hummer


1. Ava Adore
2. Cherub Rock
3. Zero
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