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Community S05

  所屬分類: 美國影集
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: 喬爾·麥克哈爾     愛麗森·布裡     丹尼·樸迪     唐納德·格洛弗     伊薇特·尼科爾·布朗     吉莉安·雅各斯     吉姆·拉什     鄭肯     
  導      演: 特斯塔姆·莎佩羅
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
01. Repilot
Having failed in his second go-round as a lawyer, and unable to gather evidence for a potential lawsuit against Greendale, Jeff tries to convince the other former members of the Study Group to sue the school.

02. Introduction to Teaching
Jeff blows off his new teaching job at Greendale until Annie signs up for his class and forces him to teach, and Abed loses his religion when he takes a course about whether Nicolas Cage is good or bad.

03. Basic Intergluteal Numismatics
The college is surrounded with panic when an unidentified person starts dropping coins down everyone's butts and Annie takes it upon herself to find out the person behind it all.

04. Cooperative Polygraphy
After Pierce's unexpected passing, a team of investigators headed by the no-nonsense Mr. Stone arrives at Greendale to subject the study group to lie detector tests before they can be considered for distributions under the will.

05. Geothermal Escapism
As a going-away present to Troy before his around-the-world trip, Abed sets up a high-stakes game of "Hot Lava" at the college, but Britta suspects that the game is just masking his real feelings about Troy's departure.

06. Analysis of Cork-Based Networking
Annie and Hickey fight Greendale bureaucracy to install a bulletin board, Abed learns a lesson about sign language, and the others discover the challenges of planning a properly sensitive school dance.

07. Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality
Jeff helps Duncan score a date with Britta, and Abed has a Hickey encounter on his way to the movie theater.

08. App Development and Condiments
When developers beta test a new app with Greendale students, the campus soon descends into a dystopian society where status is determined by their app standing.

09. VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing
Whilst cleaning the storage room Jeff, Hickey and Shirley find a pile of unused hidden textbooks and plot a way to make the best out of it. Meanwhile, Annie and Abed are trying to find a new roommate.

10. Advanced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
The group proposes a "sequel" to Dungeons & Dragons night when they need to get a skeptical professor Hickey to bond with his estranged son.

11. G.I. Jeff
The entire group becomes part of the cast of a classic "G.I. Joe" cartoon from the 1980s, which turns out to be part of Jeff's coping mechanism as he deals with a monumental life event.

12. Basic Story
After a liability audit, the Save Greendale Committee discovered that they have, in fact, saved Greendale - until they discover that as a result of the successful audit, the school is being sold to Subway.

13. Basic Sandwich
When the group learns about Greendale's first dean, they embark on a mission to find his old computer lab; Subway enlists Chang to spy on the group as part of its plan to take over the school.

Disc Size: 18,475,269,685 bytes
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.0
Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 384 kbps / DN -4dB
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