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The Tomorrow People S01

  所屬分類: 藍光 影集
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

12. Sitting Ducks
Something seems a little off... Stephen feels uneasy about his fellow trainee Hillary (guest star ALEXA VEGA) who has a secret agenda of her own. Stephen's mom wants the family to go camping including her new boyfriend Peter (guest star ROBERT GANT), whom Stephen seems to have a difficult time reading. Knowing he is going to be out of town, Stephen asks for Cara and John to make sure that everything is okay with Astrid while he's gone.

13. Things Fall Apart
Stephen is left to face The Founder due to Jedikiah. To protect Astrid, he has to make a dangerous deal. Cara issues a harsh and unexpected punishment to John when they clash. A surprising secret about Stephen's mom is revealed.

14. Brother's Keeper
After getting some shocking news, Stephen attempts to restore order in both his worlds by making a deal with Jedikiah. With a new break-out on the loose, Cara and Russell try to lure him in but must contend with a trap from Ultra. Meanwhile, Jedikiah is closer to developing a new secret technology that could change his future.

15. Enemy of My Enemy
Julian (guest star JAMES MacKAY) is back and angrier than ever, but when he gets caught by Ultra he is forced to strike a deal that could cost his and Stephen's lives. John once again disobeys Cara's orders when he learns the Julian has discovered the location of the Tomorrow People's lair. Meanwhile, Astrid is plagued by nightmares after her near-death experience and turns to her new friend John for some comfort.

16. Superhero
Stephen is still walking a fine line with his Ultra partner Hillary, who continues to be suspicious of his loyalties. When the Tomorrow People and Ultra learn that there is a new breakout doing good for humans, they both want her on their side. Meanwhile, Morgan (guest star CARLY POPE) takes a risk and betrays Jedikiah's trust to help the Tomorrow People - but what Jedikiah discovers from Morgan is an even bigger surprise.

17. Mar. 2014 Endgame
The truth about the past comes out. Confrontations with the founders and Jedekiah force the tomorrow people to choose sides.

18. Smoke and Mirrors
Both Ultra and The Tomorrow People track a breakout who is flaunting his powers as a street magician. Jedikiah has fled Ultra and tells Luca of Stephen's powers. Meanwhile The Leader announces the genesis of a kinder and gentler Ultra.

19. Modus Vivendi
The Founder requests a summit with The Tomorrow People. Cara agrees but only if Hillary is held hostage. Ultra agents find Jedikiah's hideout, but with John's help, eludes capture. Stephen attempts to reach Roger using the machine at Ultra.

20. A Sort of Homecoming
Everyone becomes concerned about the consequences if the Founder learns that Roger may return. Meanwhile, Stephen tries to destroy the machine the Founder has been using to train him.

21. Kill Switch
Russell decides to sacrifice Roger. Meanwhile, John turns to Astrid for advice.

22. Son of Man
With the possible return of Roger on the horizon, everyone is concerned about the consequences if The Founder were to find out. Now aware of the truth about the machine The Founder has been using him to train in, Stephen needs John and Cara's help to destroy it. Meanwhile, Russell and other Tomorrow People have lost hope they will ever find The Refuge and choose to head out on their own.

Disc Size: 22,666,388,664 bytes
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main Profile 4.0
Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
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