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2 Broke Girls S03

  所屬分類: 美國影集
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: 凱特·戴琳斯     貝絲·比厄     馬修·摩伊     喬納森·克特     詹妮佛·庫裡奇     瑞恩·漢森     斯蒂文·韋伯     埃裡克·安德列     
  導      演: 弗萊德·薩維奇
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
1. And the Soft Opening
In the third season premiere, business booms for Max and Caroline's new cupcake walk-up window when word spreads about a shocking incident involving a rock star.

2. And the Kickstarter
Caroline tries to raise money for an expensive pair of new pants through an online fundraising site. Meanwhile, Max's new smartphone comes between her and Caroline.

3. And the Kitty Kitty Spank
Spank When Max becomes smitten with an old stray cat that's been hanging around the apartment, Caroline tries to convince her they need to find it a better home. But just when they think they've found one, the cat's fate takes a turn.

4. And the Group Head
When Max and Caroline can't figure out how to use the new cappuccino maker they bought for their cupcake business, they take temporary side jobs as baristas at a coffee house to learn the ropes.

5. And the Cronuts
When Max and Caroline start losing business to the new "cronut" craze (half-croissant, half-donut), they come up with their own trend: cake fries.

6. And the Piece of Sheet
Max and Caroline go to extremes in search of Max's old but cherished pillowcase after Caroline surprises her with a new bedding set and gives the old one to charity.

7. And the Girlfriend Experience
After Han emails photos of a stripper's face to his mother in Korea with the claim that she's his girlfriend, he begs Max and Caroline to find the woman and convince her to play his girlfriend when his mother visits.

8. And the 'It' Hole
When Caroline's date doesn't show up after promising to take her to one of the city's hippest new restaurants, she and Max decide to take advantage of the hard-to-get reservation.

9. And the Pastry Porn
Max decides to apply to the Manhattan School of Pastry and bakes a tart for her entrance exam. GILLES MARINI and MARY LYNN RAJSKUB guest star.

10. And the First Day of School
On the first day of pastry school, Max is distracted and intrigued by the class clown (ERIC ANDR?). Caroline dresses to impress Max's handsome teacher, Nicolas (GILLES MARINI).

11. And The Life After Death
Caroline attends her former nanny's funeral, thinking the family will be honored to have her; she quickly learns, however, that they have no idea who she is.

12. And the French Kiss
After Caroline has an incredible make-out session with Max's pastry school teacher, Chef Nicholas (GILLES MARINI), Caroline learns something that makes her wish it never happened.

13. And the Big But
Max is surprised to find she wants to be more than friends with her pastry school partner, Deke (ERIC ANDR?). Caroline is hot for the married Chef Nicholas (GILLES MARINI).

14. And the Dumpster Sex
When Deke (ERIC ANDR?) takes Max to his place after a great first date, his "home" is nothing like she expected. Meanwhile, Caroline is scared after having a suspicious car towed.

15. And the Icing On The Cake
When Deke (recurring guest star ERIC ANDR?) invites Max's friends over for a gathering at his dumpster, Caroline learns an enormous secret about his background.

16. And the ATM
Max decides to break up with Deke (recurring guest star ERIC ANDR?) now that she knows about his wealthy background.

17. And the Married Man Sleepover
When Nicolas (GILLES MARINI) invites Caroline to dinner at his loft, she asks Max and Deke (ERIC ANDR?) to join her in order to keep her from doing something she might regret.

18. And the Near Death Experience
Caroline goes into a tailspin and brings Max into the mix when Nicolas (recurring guest star GILLES MARINI) tells her he's going to leave his wife for her.

19. And the Kilt Trip
Caroline tries to fit in with Max and the diner gang as they go out to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but she finds herself longing for her former holiday traditions at the Plaza.

20. And the Not Broke Parents
When Max and Caroline go to Deke's (ERIC ANDR?) parents' home for dinner, Max is intimidated until his mom tells Max a shocking secret. Jeff Garlin and Sheryl Lee Ralph guest star.

21. And the Wedding Cake Cake Cake
Max and Caroline agree to make a wedding cake for an indecisive bride (guest star LINDSAY LOHAN) who can't decide on what style of cake she wants - or much of anything else.

22. And the New Lease On Life
When Max and Caroline find out the lease is up on their apartment, they're forced to find the original tenant (HAL LINDEN - Barney Miller) and have claim he still lives there.

23. And the Free Money
Caroline's love for horse racing gets out of hand after Sophie takes her and Max to the racetrack with her new bookie boyfriend, Nicky (guest star PETER ONORATI).

24. And the First Degree
In the third season finale, Caroline decides to help Max earn her high school diploma and hopefully reconnect with her estranged mother.

Disc Size: 22,430,479,307 bytes
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main Profile 4.0
Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
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