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Revolution S02

  所屬分類: 美國影集
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: 崔茜·史皮瑞?可斯     詹克·?思     伊?莎白·米切?     比利·伯克     吉安卡?·埃斯波西托     J.D.普拉多     
  導      演: Jon Favreau
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
1. Born in the USA
In last year's finale, our heroes were able to turn on the power, but at what cost? In the season premiere, the effects of this may prove to be catastrophic for everyone.

2. There Will Be Blood
Miles finds himself in the clutches of Titus Andover (MATT ROSS). While Charlie is determined to find Monroe, Rachel and her father desperately attempt to revive Aaron.

3. Love Story
Brushes with death paint the big picture in Willoughby as legions of tribesmen threaten; while Rachel makes a daring attempt to rescue Miles.

4. Patriot Games
Neville's manipulation of Patriot power brokers makes Machiavelli look like a cherub; and Aaron's mind works overtime awake or asleep with mind-blowing effectiveness.

5. One Riot, One Ranger
Aaron and Rachel speculate on the extreme effects of Nano technology. Meanwhile a figure from Miles's rugged past, Texas Ranger John Fry (guest star JIM BEAVER) reemerges.

6. Dead Man Walking
Charlie, Rachel and Gene question Monroe's true allegiance - since he might be their only ally in stopping the Patriots, while Miles is wary of his former friend's intentions.

7. The Patriot Act
When Rachel discovers some unsettling truths, Miles does what he does best to overcome obstacles before him and those he cares about.

8. Come Blow Your Horn
As Miles & the gang try to escape the perils of their current situation, Aaron's deathly experience catches people's attention. Meanwhile, Neville takes a gamble with the Patriots.

9. Everyone Says I Love You
The relationship between Rachel and Gene remains strained as Charlie reveals how much she's grown. Meanwhile, Neville reacts to a surprise.

10. Three Amigos
Miles leads the unlikely trio of Rachel and Monroe into Mexico in his ongoing quest to make amends, while Neville and Julia position themselves in DC.

11. Mi Dos Padres
Monroe finds himself in unfamiliar territory and must make a choice about his son, Connor (guest star MAT VAIRO) whilst Gene leads Charlie to an uneasy discovery.

Disc Size: 22,505,642,190 bytes
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main Profile 4.0
Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
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