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【平裝版藍光】柴可夫斯基 : 胡桃鉗 芭蕾舞劇 / 柏林國家芭蕾舞團 (2019) << 返 回
Tchaikovsky : Nutcracker

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  級      別: 1
  演      員: 柏林國家芭蕾舞團     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌1:PCM_bluray,48000Hz,stereo,s24,1536 kb/s

音軌2:dts-hd ma,48000Hz,5.1,s16



At long last, the Staatsballett Berlin is once more dancing The Nutcracker, one of the most popular ballets ever. Vasily Medvedev and Yuri Burlaka, two Russian choreographers and connoisseurs of the tradition, have developed a version for the Staatsballett Berlin which is based on the historic stage designs and choreography from the original of 1892. The stage designs and costumes have been modelled on the historic designs, part of the treasures of the Russian ballet archives.

The choreography, which was created for Lev Ivanov’s inaugural performance, is largely based on his specifications – after all, it was he who gave this ballet his unmistakable style of dancing and whose art continues to be stylistically influential even to this day.

In combination with the brilliance of modern dance, this production – a loving reconstruction designed as a great ballet f?erie – reveals all of its nostalgic charm and promises the wonderful anticipation of Christmas: it’s as if Peter I. Tchaikovsky had composed the falling of snowflakes or the fragrance of Christmas spices – a piece of musical genius.
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