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【平裝版藍光】莫札特:女人皆如此 歌劇 (2006) << 返 回
Mozart: Cos? fan tutte

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 義語
  字幕/版本: 簡體中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Miah Persson     Anke Vondung     Ainhoa Garmendia     Topi Lehtipuu     Luca Pisaroni     Nicolas Rivenq     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌1:truehd,48000HZ,5.0,s24 義

音軌2:ac3,48000HZ,5.0,640 kb/s 義


莫扎特:二幕歌劇《女人皆如此》 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Cos? Fan Tutte

【作曲】沃爾夫岡·阿馬多伊斯·莫札特Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756-1791
【腳本】洛倫佐·達蓬特Lorenzo Da Pont,1749-1838

【導演】尼古拉斯·海特納(英國) Nicolas Hytner
弗朗切斯卡·肯普(英國) Francesca Kemp
【指揮】伊万·菲舍爾(匈牙利) Iv?n Fischer
托皮·萊赫蒂普(芬蘭) Topi Lehtipuu ....費蘭多Ferrando
盧卡·皮薩羅尼(意大利) Luca Pisaroni ....古列爾莫Guglielmo
尼古拉斯·裡旺(法國) Nicolas Rivenq ....唐·阿方索Don Alfonso
米婭·佩爾森(瑞典) Miah Persson ....菲奧爾迪利吉Fiordiligi
安克·馮東(德國) Anke Vondung ....多拉貝拉Dorabella
艾因奧阿·加門迪亞(西班牙) Ainhoa Garmendia ....德斯皮娜Despina

Mozart: Cos? fan tutte, K588
Recorded live at the Glyndebourne Festival Opera
Miah Persson (Fiordiligi), Anke Vondung (Dorabella), Ainhoa Garmendia (Despina), Topi Lehtipuu (Ferrando), Luca Pisaroni (Guglielmo), Nicolas Rivenq (Don Alfonso)
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment & The Glyndebourne Chorus, Ivan Fischer (conductor) & Nicholas Hytner (stage director)

Mozart's genius in setting to music Da Ponte's comic play of love, infidelity and forgiveness marks Cos? fan tutte as one of the great works of art from the Age of Enlightenment. Nicholas Hytner's beautiful production for the Glyndebourne Festival in 2006, with its sure touch and theatrical know-how, lives up to its promise to be 'shockingly traditional', while Iv?n Fischer teases artful performances from an outstanding international cast of convincing young lovers.

Bonus material:

Illustrated synopsis & cast gallery.

Insights with Iv?n Fischer, Nicholas Hytner and members of the cast.

'When I saw this production at Glyndebourne, I thought that it was one of the three perfect operatic performances that I have ever been to. That view is only strengthened by seeing this marvellous DVD, which does the fullest justice to the brilliance of Nicholas Hytner's production, and the glorious orchestral playing and the magnificent singing under Iv?n Fischer.' BBC Music Magazine

LENGTH: 210 Mins
SOUND: 2.0 & 5.0 TRUEHD
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