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【平裝版藍光】普塞爾 : 印第安女王 歌劇 (彼得塞拉斯的新版本) (2016) << 返 回
Henry Purcell - The Indian Queen - Teodor Currentzis

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Teodor Currentzis     MusicAeterna     
  導      演: Peter Sellars
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌1:PCM_bluray,48000Hz,stereo,s24,2304 kb/s

音軌2:dts-hd ma,48000Hz,5.1,s24


Purcell: The Indian Queen, Z630
Peter Sellars' New Version
MusicAeterna, Teodor Currentzis
This is the second creative project bringing together conductor Teodor Currentzis and director Peter Sellars (the first being the operatic double-bill of Iolanta and Pers?phone staged in Madrid in 2012) , and also the first collective production of three opera companies — the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Spanish Teatro Real and the English National Opera.

The action is set in Central America. Spanish colonialists are at war with the native Mayan people. In the face of the armed forces the locals appear armed with bows and arrows, but they are mere children. Blood runs like a river. The Mayans resort to trickery – in order to infiltrate the enemy, the daughter of the Mayan chief becomes a concubine to the commander of the Spanish army. The plan brings her unexpected happiness (she falls in love with the commander and has children with him) but also tragedy (the Spanish colonialists continue the massacre of the Mayans). With nowhere to turn for help, the only hope is that the great Mayan gods will descend from the sky to the earth at the critical moment…

The scenery recreates the symbolic and colourful decoration of the Mayan tribes and the Zapatista Army — a modern national liberation movement in Mexico. The music is performed by an international ensemble of soloists, choir and the orchestra musicAeterna.

克雷提茲Teodor Currentzis (指揮)
音樂永恆合奏團Musica Aeterna Ensemble
歌劇創意鬼才彼得.謝拉斯(Peter Sellars)編劇並執導之全新版本。
普賽爾為十七世紀末英皇威廉三世的宮廷作曲家,《印地安皇后》是他較少被演出與錄音的作品,以十七世紀盛行的半歌劇形式寫成,劇中包含了音樂、宣敘調與芭蕾舞蹈。作品共有五幕,是他一生最後一部重要作品,但直到死前都未能寫完,因此第五幕便由他的弟弟丹尼爾.普賽爾(Daniel Purcell)接續完成。劇本與歌詞分別由約翰.德萊頓(John Dryden, 1631-1700)與霍華(Robert Howard)寫作。1695年於英國倫敦首演。
本劇由歌劇創意鬼才彼得.謝拉斯(Peter Sellars)編劇並執導,劇中捨棄了普賽爾的弟弟創作的部分,並添加了普賽爾的其他創作:"O Solitude", "Music for a while"等歌曲。另外還加入尼加拉瓜當代小說家Rosario Aguilar創作的故事:「白人女子與沒有腳的鳥」(La ni?a blanca y los p?jaros sin pies )。這份融入現代元素的改編作品,著重於描述歐洲人與馬雅人在美洲新世界的第一次接觸,以及創造新文明的兩位女性。全新製作的版本,2013年於馬德里皇家劇院首度演出,本專輯即為當時演出的錄影。
專輯指揮家克雷提茲(Teodor Currentzis)親手創立音樂永恆合奏團(Musica Aeterna Ensemble)與合唱團。2008年以莫札特歌劇《費加洛婚禮》之考證成就,獲得俄國著名的「金面具獎」(Golden Mask Award)之音樂劇院評委會特別獎(Special Awards of the Musical Theatre Jury)的肯定。2011年則以貝爾格的歌劇《伍采克》獲得「金面具獎」之「最佳歌劇指揮」。在本集中與演唱者搭配無間,展現悅耳優美的音樂與視覺的饗宴。
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