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【平裝版藍光】馬修伯恩:灰姑娘 舞劇 (2018) << 返 回
Matthew Bourne's Cinderella

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Michela Meazza     Ashley Shaw     Liam Mower     Andrew Monaghan     
  導      演: Matthew Bourne
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌:DTS-HD Master 5.1 英


原版容量:22.20G 時長:01:50:06

Cinderella dance production. Music by Sergei Prokofiev. Choreographed and directed by Matthew Bourne. Recorded 2017 at Sadler's Wells Theatre, London. Stars Ashley Shaw, Andrew Monaghan, Michela Meazza, and Liam Mower. Set and costume design by Lez Brotherston; lighting design by Neil Austin; sound design by Paul Groothius; associate director was Etta Murfitt; resident director was Neil .




Cinderella is a thrilling and evocative love story, set in London during the Second World War. Originally conceived in 1997 but recreated as a completely fresh production for its latest run, Cinderella is one of New Adventures' most popular and beloved productions.

Matthew Bourne's vivid storytelling has never been more heart-stopping and this interpretation of the classic fairy tale has, at its heart, a true war-time romance. A chance meeting results in a magical moment for Cinderella and her dashing young RAF pilot, together just long enough to fall in love before being parted by the horrors of the Blitz.

Designer Lez Brotherston's sumptuous costumes and sets won an Olivier Award for his original designs and this latest production see Paul Groothuis's specially commissioned recording recording of Prokofiev's magnificent score played by a 60-piece orchestra in Surround Sound.

Formed as part of the company's 30th anniversary celebrations, Cinderella recreates the sights and sounds of a war-torn London with the help of Olivier Award-winning lighting designer, Neil Austin, and Duncan McLean, who video and projection designs provide a glorious backdrop to the dancing of a wonderful cast.

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