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【平裝版藍光】普契尼 : 杜蘭朵公主 歌劇 / 維羅納競技場 << 返 回
Puccini: Turandot

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 義語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Maria Guleghina     Carlo Bosi     Salvatore Licitra     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Puccini: Turandot
Maria Guleghina (Turandot), Carlo Bosi (L' Imperatore Altoum), Luiz-Octavio Faria (Timur), Salvatore Licitra (Calaf), Tamar Iveri (Li?), Leonardo Lopez Linares (Ping), Gianluca Bocchino (Pong) , Saverio Fiore (Pang), Giuliano Pelizon (Mandarino) & Angel Harkatz Kaufman (Il Principe di Persia)
Orchestra, Chorus & Corps de ballet of the Arena di Verona, Giuliano Carella
Turandot from the Verona Arena: Franco Zeffirelli's epic production of Puccini's masterpiece .

In its 88th year, the prestigious Verona Arena Festival honoured the legendary Italian stage director Franco Zeffirelli. Zeffirelli delivered an opulent staging af the fairy-tale story of the Chinese Princess Turandot, who will only marry a prince capable of solving her riddles.

The Russian soprano Maria Guleghina proved a brilliant Turandot, whilst tenor Salvatore Licitra's trump card is his imposingly radiant voice of which he remains in sovereign control even in the role's muchfeared tessitura. The soprano Tamar Iveri is a beautiful and sensitive Li?. The Orchestra and Chorus of the Verona Arena are conducted by Maestro Giuliano Carella.

Sound: PCM Stereo, 5.1 DTS HD Master

Audio, Subtitles : Fr, Eng, Ger, It, Sp, Jap,Chinese(後加/簡體)

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